Common Questions

What to wear

Wear comfortable clothing, appropriate draping is used to maintain privacy. If there is a specific injury or area needing treatment its helpful to bring shorts and a tank top to allow movement with treatment as needed.

What is the difference between traditional massage and chair massage?

Traditional massage is done on a massage table, much like a bed, with sheets for draping to maintain privacy. Areas treated are head, neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs, and feet. Chair massage is done seated in a massage chair, with regular clothing. Typically, areas treated are the upper back, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. Chair massage can be a nice introduction to massage for someone that is not familiar with massage. It is great for neck and shoulder tension; it is not a great position for treatment of the low back.

“Diane Dunham has been my massage therapist for over 15 years and seen me through numerous physical issues. She is very caring and focused and takes time to listen to your concerns or questions prior to beginning each session. For me, what sets her apart from other therapists is her training in massage therapy combined with her years as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Knowledge in these two disciplines makes her highly attuned to individual needs and able to provide more depth to the massage experience. If there is an issue that goes beyond what can be addressed by massage, she does not hesitate to suggest a referral elsewhere. Diane is professional, engaging and I always leave with a relaxed and comforted body!”

J.B. – Winchester, NH

“My first massage was a luxury experience years ago. Now it is part of a healthy routine that prevents small issues from becoming big problems. Diane’s training takes the massage experience a step further. Diane changes the session as needed to address my current problems. Through the years regular massage sessions have helped speed recovery, managed stress, and get me back to moving normal.”

J.S. - Keene, NH

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